Gallery - Days 9 to 12

This is a selection of photographs taken during our trip. Click on a photo to see an enlargement.

Day 9 - morning rush hour on the EV1 
Day 9 - how big is this field?
Day 9 - Rob hunting for his camera
Day 9 - the menu on offer at our lunch stop at Carcans 
Day 9 - the waterside near the port of Hourtin

Day 10 - a deserted ferryport at Pointe de Grave
Day 10 - waiting for the ferry across the Gironde
Day 10 - the ferry arrives
Day 10 - on board
Day 10 - view of Royan on the approach
Day 10 - a work call for Rob from sunny Royan
Day 10 - we suspected that someone had sneaked
into Royan harbour un-noticed

Day 11 - poppies and rape
Day 11 - Rob keeping an eye on the rain-clouds behind us
Day 11 - cordoned fruit trees beside the road
Day 11 - the D733 bridge over the Charente,
south of Rochefort
Day 11 - the D733 bridge from the north side
Day 11 - lunchtime in Rochefort ..........
just before the heavens opened.......again.
Day 11 - EV1, an on-road stretch, between Rochefort
and La Rochelle
Day 11 - the Port des Minimes at La Rochelle

Day 12, rest day - La Rochelle old town
Day 12, rest day - Rob checking out lunch menus
Day 12, rest day - the 3 towers of La Rochelle
Day 12, rest day - a restaurant's lunch preparations
Day 12, rest day - the yellow hire bikes
of La Rochelle
Day 12, rest day - graffiti on a hoarding

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