Thursday, 31 January 2013

A change of dates

Owing to possible developments in Rob's business, we have brought forward the trip date by exactly 2 weeks, so that we now travel by ferry to Spain on Sunday 5 May 2013. The Route/Timetable page has been updated accordingly.

This does mean that our 12 week, more intense, training countdown starts very soon. Hopefully we've seen the worst of the winter weather and we'll be able to get on our bikes.
As our daily mileage targets are reasonably modest, my own focus will be on hill-climbing, which I must admit to hating with a passion. Nevertheless, I'm taking the view that rather than worrying about the hills and trying to avoid them, I should tackle them head-on by training on hills. Hmm! That's the theory, anyway.

Fund-raising for our respective charities will also be launched in the next few weeks, a little earlier than originally anticipated.


Saturday, 26 January 2013

Rob's bike

Rob's Trek Domane bike has now arrived at the dealer's and is just awaiting fitting of rack, lighting and various accessories and then it's all systems go!

Spec. notes on the bike can be found on the Bikes & Equipment page.  Thanks are due to the bike suppliers, Craig and Angie at The Bike Cellar Ltd, Plymouth (, who as well as providing the kit for Rob, also imparted very helpful and practical advice, having undertaken cycle tours of their own.